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What is Betwixt and Between?

Betwixt and Between is an PG17+ group  focusing on Character Development and personal plotline more than group plot and linear story. BnB is primarily a Discord based group, and a link can be found on the Main Menu.

In a lot of ways, you could consider BnB to be an aRPG; but I prefer to view it as a laid back community for character development before anything else. 

BnB is based inspired by Sin City, Bloodborne, Alice in Wonderland, Over the Garden Wall, Tell Tale Games, Summer Wars, and old school text adventure games. Maybe Corruption of Champions. Maybe. The group itself and all concepts therein belongs to TEKNOGEDDON unless otherwise stated.


Assuming the role of a lost soul in the equivalent of Sin City style Purgatory, your character's choices and decisions evolve their personal development towards one of many different endings at the creator's pace and ease of access.

Betwixt and Between is not suitable for all audiences, favoring those with open and creative minds that want to build a world with few limits and the characters within. This is essentially a collaborative universe for friends to gather within. 


Characters will be able to access fantasy, sci fi, and realistic worlds within the realm of The World Between and later contribute their own stories, plotlines, and universes within The World Between for other players to to interact and play with. There really is very little limit, save for an absence of color. 


> Don't be a dick. Common Sense applies, be courteous to fellow players. 

> Don't steal someone else's ideas. Shit's rude.

> Please do not ask how we made the Bot used in the discord chats, or detailed questions about her inner or background operation. Teknomancy is a "Nadeko" bot and her resources can be found on google, her webpage, or discord channel. 

> Please do not DM the bot. We get notifications whenever you do, and it can be very spammy. 

> NO SELF INSERTS WILL BE ALLOWED. I'm not sure why you would want to be dead and in purgatory, but this is an uncomfortable situation for all players if you put yourself in this world. As such, we ask you do not. 


> Don't try to force everyone into your lore, or make them accept it, this is a collaborative world but not everyone has to play together. 


> Don't ship chase. Ships are fun, getting hell for it is not. If someone doesn't want a ship, they don't want a ship. 


> Remember the chat is fill with all kinds of people of different opinions, backgrounds, and stories. We ask you avoid any and all political culture in our chatrooms. "Label Blasting" will not be tolerated when not pertaining to individual OCs.

> People are allowed to disagree with you. Do not bully someone into agreeing with your ideas or concepts. Any amount of malicious speech, severe passive aggressive behavior, or slander towards another player that is caught in the open chatroom will not be tolerated. The bot will auto respond to certain words that should never, ever be used in our chatrooms. Consider that ping your warning.

> The mods are a friend, but not a shield. When acting in private DMs, you are out of our reach. We will not pursue any punishment towards members for acts in Private Messaging and expect you to handle these sorts of incidents on your own, as an adult. 


> Remember the world is not for you, it is shared with you. This access can be revoked at will if these rules are broken at any time. 

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